Sunday, August 21, 2011

One Adventure After The Other

In His Glory
There has been a lot of prayers these days as far as my local outreach. 
During our last weekly Levy Committee meeting, we discussed several things that we felt was needed within the Levy community with regards to our outreach.  As I sat there, I started thinking about how great it would be to have such a committee within my community.  I also thought about my feelings towards the Hispanic people in the community.  I felt I needed to tell the Levy group about my feelings. Being brought up with an abusive father has not helped me with my attitude towards the Hispanic men that live here.  I have come across several that beat their wives or women they live with and their children.  They are very abusive and do not live the life God wants them to.  They are far from having conversations with the Lord.

I have had bitterness and anger with the women as they allow this to go on and do not try to break this pattern.  They are so afraid to do anything because most of them are illegal and they do not want to do anything to draw attention.  They stay within this life and subject their children to the continuous beatings and dysfunctional life.  Most of them feel that it is their fault and wonder what they did to cause this anger.

I told the group I hated feeling this way. I told them I needed to look at the people within my community as the Lord wants me to.  I asked for their prayers and everyone joined around me for prayer. 

Yesterday was a day of thought and prayer.  I felt that the Lord had told me exactly what I am to do - to reach out in my community. I had a restless night as I kept thinking of the "what if", "who will", "why should" and "why me".  Then I thought I should not be questioning what he wants. I just need to obey his wishes.

I picked my friend Angie up for church this morning and told her exactly what happened.  I told her God has chosen my outreach. She was happy for me and in agreement.  She said the Lord placed me there years ago just for this.

So, what was the sermon about today?  Going out and being Disciples of God!  Going out and doing what he wants of us.  I could not believe it. Brother Bill had covered it in his sermon.  It is strange because many a Sunday the sermon will pertain to something I have actually been through that week!  It never fails. 

We had communion and also had the Elders up there for anyone who wanted to talk or needed prayer. I shared this with George and Dinah Platt and told them I was ready to go within my community.  I told them about how the Levy group had prayed over me and how much better I felt.  I asked for their prayers and both prayed for me to be able to do what the Lord wants me to,  and that I continue living the life of God no matter what I do or where I go. 

I immediately went home and started working on the first step - drawing up a plan in phases, and emailing a few people to meet with me to share my vision.  This is something that will take time and I ask that you pray for me.  Pray that I am successful in getting a CORE Committee together to discuss what the Lord's plans are.  Pray that if I come along an obstacle, that God will help me through it.  Pray that I will be strong enough to overcome any interference that Satan will try. Pray that God guides me continuously with this outreach and that my love for him will continue to grow stronger and stronger. There is so much to pray for and I thank you for your continuous prayers.  I will definitely keep you informed.

Our House
The Summit Church continues to provide meals for and serves around 90 people every third Friday of the month.  We had a great time again this month.  The residents loved what we served.  We had BBQ chicken, BBQ beans, coleslaw, watermelon, cookies, and lemonade.  A great menu for such a hot summer day!  We look forward to being with them again next month. 

Nueva Esperanza Church in Levy
My friend Danny loves the Spanish language and the people so much that I mentioned to him about going to Nueva Esperanza Church.  I enjoy going there and I thought it would be neat for him to hear the word of God in Spanish.  We went to their 5:00 service.  It was a beautiful experience, joining in with the congregation praying and praising the Lord.  The service lasted about 2 hours.  It is a church that has about 30 to 35 members.  Of course, hearing their prayers and praise made it seem more than that.  Danny enjoyed being among the Nueva Esperanza Congregation, praying and praising with them and is already planning to go back.

Family and Friends Fun Time Page
I mentioned that my brother and I ordered crabs online.  They were great!  It was just Gil, Prissy, and myself.  We had a great crab feast. We have finally found a place online that not only has great crabs but great prices.  If you like Maryland Blue Crab, here is the site:

Hat Looming 
Our Levy Group is looming hats to give to children at Wilmington Apartments in Levy. Some of the patterns are really cool and we know the children will like them and they will definitely be keeping them warm during the cold weather.

I am getting ready to set up again at Bryant Farmers Market to sell my Razorback Hats and others.  If you are interested in purchasing a hat or hats, please let me know.  Any size, color, pattern $10.  Razorback Hats $12.

My Manuscripts
I am so excited to share with you that my friend, Angie Terry has offered to be my illustrator for "Zach the Cat"!!!!  I am just too excited.  She is a great artist and I can't wait to see what she will come up with. 

I just received my last editing from a friend for "Walking the Healing Path" and am starting on editing today.  I pray to the Lord that I will be able to have it completed by then end of this year and off to publishing.                                 

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