As you know, I have been on two mission trips with my church (The Summit Church). I was trying to decide between the jungles of Suriname (northeast part of South America) or Haiti for this year and it just was not what the Lord wanted me to do at the present time. Perhaps next year. Instead, I have been guided to reach out in the Levy area. God is doing wonders leading us to mission in this part of town. He has given the Summit Church a mission field of great need just minutes away. This neighborhood of wonderful ethnic diversity is approximately 1/3 Hispanic, 1/3 African-American and 1/3 Anglo. There is great social and economic need, with over 95% of the children in the schools on assisted meal programs. We have been involved with Levy for the past few months. We are setting up a Core Committee. Most of the members in the committee live in Levy. As I am a member of this group, it would be much better for me to live in Levy. It is best to be in the community living, walking, talking, sharing, with the people every day. I have been asked to pray about moving to Levy. This will definitely be a work of God as I own my mobile home and it would be impossible to move there and make a house payment or rent. I would like to ask you to pray for me about the decision God will make.
We have partnered with the Hispanic Church - Nuevo Esperanza - in Levy. We will be helping them within the community. We had a meeting with them last Wednesday and it was great. Very positive. We prayed, praised the Lord and had a great Mexican dinner! This is the second time I have been there. The people and their love for God reminds me so much of the Dominican Republic. We are working together to bring more people to Christ. To go out in the community and spread his word. It seems like something easy to do but at times, it is not. There are so many people there that have never been inside a church before, some who do not know who God is or even heard his name, and some that are just wanting to talk to someone about him. Hungry for us to talk with them. It is a rewarding outreach and I am glad to be a part of it. This neglected part of Little Rock is in great need of an infusion of the Kingdom of God that brings spiritual, social, and economic transformation.
We continue to provide meals for the homeless at Our House. We are there every third Friday of the month serving the residence. It is a rewarding feeling to see these people enjoy the food we prepare for them. There are at least 90 people there each day.
I continue to pray about where I am needed. I have thought about moving to the Dominican Republic for a few months to work with the Kids Alive International Program in Constanza. Of course, Levy is in the picture now also. Wherever God wants me is fine. I have dedicated myself to him and know it will be rewarding for me. My life has changed and I am very happy where I am at this point.
The Summit continues to have every Monday Prayer. We started it back when we had our six week revival.
Yes, Miracles Do Happen! After last weeks Monday Prayer night, a few of my friends prayed for healing of my knee. I have had so much pain and sleepless nights. Since that night, I have not had any pain. I am now able to ride my outside bike every day at least 1/2 hour each time! I believe in God's healing powers. I just did not know that it could happen to me! Praise the Lord for his wonders!
I continue to do my volunteer work at church every Wednesday helping with the housekeeping.
If you would like to visit the Summit Church, please give me a call or email me. I would love for you to visit with us.
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